Of Such is the Kingdom of God

At the core of my being, I’m a little girl that loves Jesus. A little girl that gathers wildflowers and presents them to Him with a sweet smile. Simply to express my love and to bring a smile to His face.

Think on These Things

We become what we think. “Think on these things…” It is possible. With a choice on our part coupled with God’s power at work in us. And over time, we will be amazed at the transformation.  

Trouble is on the Way

One thing many Christians don't seem to grasp is that troubles WILL come. If a person knows the whole of God's Word, then he or she should have picked up on this fact long ago.

Bring on the New!

So many thoughts come with the beginning of a new year. Sometimes hopeful thoughts. Sometimes excitement. Sometimes thoughts that are blah or even full of dread.