


After listening to a great message about Elisha I came to the painful realization that maybe, perhaps, probably, most likely I've been going about a certain job (writing) with a lack of determination. Many months ago while I was doing this exact job I made a little sign to set up at my desk.


Since that time this particular job has taken several unexpected twists and turns. A path that, if I'm honest, has caused discouragement and consequently lethargy. That determination and persistence that I had vowed would define my work was gone.

Half-hearted efforts only on days that I'm in the mood are now what define my work.

The message I heard today was a wake-up call. God won't bless half-hearted efforts. I believe He has called me to do this work even with all the distractions, side paths, and bumps.

I believe God has good things planned for my writing but none of it will be realized if I continue walking this path without commitment and persistence and determination.

The same applies to all of us, doing the various work he has given us to do. It's our job to work hard at those jobs, then leave the final results in his hands, just as the boy that offered the fish and loaves to Jesus. Jesus will take our offering and multiply as he sees fit.

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,"

(Colossians 3:23)

Infused With God's Goodness

Infused With God's Goodness

Looking Forward

Looking Forward