My eyes were opened to the blessings all around me every day of my life. My tiny little house turned from a hated abode to a treasured sanctuary.
My eyes were opened to the blessings all around me every day of my life. My tiny little house turned from a hated abode to a treasured sanctuary.
I highly recommend that you find a quiet place, get alone with God and cry out the following prayer from the depths of your being. I believe it will be life-changing for you and for the people you pray for.
From the time we left home on the tenth of March for a family ski vacation in Keystone, Colorado, to the time we returned on the nineteenth, our nation went through unprecedented change. Drastic action had to be taken because Coronavirus had hit our coasts and was spreading fast.
That you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe,
I recently sat in my car (my prayer closet) and prayed, connecting with my Savior. My mind flitted from one thing to another, making it almost impossible to shift my focus to Him.
In the English language, the words “SILENT” and “LISTEN” possess the same letters. It’s often in the silence we hear most clearly the words of our Maker.
I can say with confidence that God does speak to his people. And he speaks to us in a myriad of ways. Our part is to listen and so often we don't because we don't expect to hear anything from him.
I can say with confidence that God does speak to his people. And he speaks to us in a myriad of ways. Our part is to listen and so often we don't because we don't expect to hear anything from him.
I would miss my grandpa greatly, but this moment in time was to become an important, deep, and special moment to hold on to.
I remember a time very long ago when I heard a speaker at a church in New Hampshire talk about seeking God’s will. He said, “God is much more concerned about you finding His will than you are.”
"I like you just the way you are". Our kind, compassionate, television neighbor Fred Rogers coined that phrase and if you are anything like me you longed to hear that from somebody, anybody most of your life.
Elizabeth Elliot said, “He [God] is far more interested in getting us where He wants us to be than we are in getting there. He does not discuss things with us. He leads us faithfully and plainly as we trust Him and simply do the next thing.”
Two weeks ago Connie wrote about a hospice patient of hers asking her, “How will I die?” The following is a sequel to that story. -Ava
Pivotal does not need to be a 180゚ turn. Pivotal can simply be a tiny pivot of maybe 2 degrees.
If you draw on paper an angle of 2゚ and then extend the lines out a few miles, after a while they're very far away from each other. The same goes for a pivotal change in your life even if it's a tiny change (and believe me I needed a change in my life).
Happy Valentine's day! How did this day start and who is Saint Valentine? A lot of confusion surrounds the history of this day. There are actually three St. Valentine's that were believed to be the namesakes of this day; all 3 martyred close to the third century.
Today is the first anniversary of my Mother’s death. Two days ago was her birthday; her first birthday in heaven.
Yesterday was my husband’s birthday, a significant one that ends in 0. Four days ago was my granddaughter’s eleventh birthday. In a few days, another granddaughter will have a birthday. What a reminder that life marches on. And on. And on.
Following is a short bio and blog by Connie Barris. Connie is a new friend that I recently met through a series of emails. This is definitely worth your time. What she has to say is rich! If you love salvation stories, read this. If you have questions about salvation, read this. if you feel unworthy, read this.
And, if you want to read more of Connie’s blogs go to . -Ava
At the core of my being, I’m a little girl that loves Jesus. A little girl that gathers wildflowers and presents them to Him with a sweet smile. Simply to express my love and to bring a smile to His face.
Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. Proverbs 17:28
Perhaps I too should try that more often…
This amazing God we serve uses a variety of ways to teach us. I have a short story to illustrate how He taught me a very valuable lesson one particular day when I wasn’t paying attention.