Joy Comes in the Morning - Guest Blog by Stacy Lair
Stacy is a teacher and a pastor’s wife in a town close to us. Her husband, Dustin, recently tested positive for COVID 19. I was moved by her wise, God-inspired Facebook post from a few days ago and wanted to share it with all of you. -Ava
... but joy comes in the morning.
I wanted to make a fun, witty update this morning. I tried several times, as a matter of fact. I wanted to be positive and upbeat, but the best I can do today is transparent and raw. The last couple of days have not been my favorite. Don’t get me wrong; Dustin is recovering really well. His nurse (Nurse Shawna, who I truly do love) says he can rejoin the family on Tuesday. He lost his sense of smell all of a sudden, and he has an annoying little cough, but other than that he is fit as a fiddle!
Other things, though, have stolen my joy. You see, if Dustin had the flu, it would be a whole different ball game. People might call to check on him. But it wouldn’t be anything to get worked up over. No one gives you opinions about the flu. Covid, though, makes people have opinions. Lots of them.
If I act too happy-go-lucky, I’m not taking it seriously enough. If one of us pouts about a rough day, we aren’t thankful enough. Yesterday I literally had to argue with a stranger over whether or not Dustin had been to the gas station in town this week! (He wasn’t. He hasn’t left the house. She still doesn’t believe me.)
You know what’s else is cool? Telling a dude with Covid, unprovoked, that you don’t believe in it! HA! I mean, I half expected angry villagers and pitchforks on the porch this morning.
But I’m not learning a lesson about *them*. I can’t control them. However, *I* have let other people’s words and attitudes and actions distract me from the real task at hand. The real goal. The real reason (I think) we are going through this. And that is to point to Jesus and be an example of God’s love.
And then I watched one of our other pastors, Truman, give the sermon this morning (on Facebook live). Something he said really struck me. He was talking about loving others more than ourselves. He was all fired up, saying “when we look inward, we get selfish. THAT’s what is making us miserable. That is what is making us uncomfortable. We need to turn our focus on the cross and Jesus”, and it hit me...
I am angry. I am angry about Covid, and quarantine and injustices in the world. I am angry that people don’t see the issues the same way I do. I am angry that I have worn a mask and Dustin has worn a mask, and we have made our kids wear masks in public while others haven’t. And one of those people gave my husband Covid.
But that’s not ok. My anger isn’t helping anything. God doesn’t want my anger, no matter how justified I think it is. He wants me to love others MORE than myself. He doesn’t want my focus to be inward. He wants me to choose right and good and He wants me to do it out of love and not justice.
“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4)
It really convicted me that for two days I have thrown a pity party. And I’m done with that. I am going to turn my focus back toward Jesus and not myself. I am going to love others MORE than myself. I’m going to absolutely keep wearing masks (if we ever make it out of quarantine), not out of pride or self-interest. But out of real genuine love for those around me.
And for the first time in two days, I can mean those words. I love you, so I will wear a mask for you. I love you, so I will not demand that you wear one for me. This is my personal conviction.
On the other hand, Covid has brought out the very best in so many of our loved ones. People that I love have brought us groceries and games. They have checked on us and offered to pick stuff up for us. They have had our backs in so many ways I can’t count. We are so blessed. I will truly never be able to repay all of the acts of love that have been done for us. Thank you, truly, for everything.
“Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name. For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” (Psalm 30:4-5)
And, odd as it is, my joy just showed up. 12:25 am. Better late than never! I feel 98% more joyful than I did at 12:25 am yesterday. God is so good!