
Why Gather?

Why Gather?

A very inquisitive, very perceptive nine-year-old recently asked me, "If you believe God is everywhere, all of the time, why do you need to go to church?" This was a thought-provoking question during this time of the pandemic because my husband and I are still choosing to do online church.

I explained to her... that we gather to learn together and to discuss what we learn so we can better apply it to our lives. We also have the opportunity to share our needs, to share our advice (only solicited, of course), to show love and support for each other. Healing takes place. We also gather so we can do ministry together. Ministry shared is more effective and definitively more enjoyable.

How can this happen if we don't know each other and how can we know each other if we don't gather together? Often.

Thankfully, we have a Zoom Sunday School class with about a dozen very close friends. For now, this helps to fill that need.

There is power in community. And beyond that, there is supernatural power unleashed in the Christian community and in the world through prayer. This is how God designed it. It's a very necessary component of His Kingdom.

I'm not sure why he planned it this way, but he did. It seems to me that God chose to limit His power when He decided to give such power to His children through prayer. He chose to invite us to participate in His Kingdom in a huge way through prayer. God has ordained that our prayers make a difference. "You have not because you ask not." That statement implies a huge responsibility and a huge opportunity. Something that should be taken very seriously and entered into with great joy.

Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:20) He is always present. In us and around us. But He has chosen to make the gathering of His people a very significant element in His Kingdom. His statement implies that there is power in community.

Although volumes could be written about this topic of the Christian community, I've just thrown together some of the first ideas that popped into my head. Forgive me for the sparse thoughts. Please use them as a springboard for more. I welcome your feedback.



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