Off Course
My husband, Steve, and I often visit our three precious granddaughters in Florida. Our son and daughter-in-law too, of course, but, let's face it, grand-kids make everyone else in the world pale in comparison. (Sorry kids. We really do love you.)
When we travel, we use Google Maps. Even when we know exactly where we're going we often leave Maps on because it's interesting and fun. Although, many times throughout the trip we leave the prescribed route. We leave for many different reasons. We're hungry. We want to see an interesting site. We got confused and turned too early. Or too late. Or left instead of right.
Always, our faithful pathfinder talks to us. “You have left the intended route.” Or, “Re-routing.” Maps used to repeat these words audibly over and over and over until we shut it off or talked back. Not always in the nicest voice. (“Shut up!” in a British accent is our go-to favorite.) But nevertheless, Maps always patiently gets us back on track and to our final destination.
How often do we leave God's prescribed path for our life? I'm not talking about the many times God takes us down unexpected paths of His choosing. I'm talking about the countless times we stop listening to Him and accidentally turn the wrong way. Or the many times we willfully ignore His plans and do our own thing.
Hopefully, we listen as soon as we hear His voice gently nudging us to get back on track. Or do we instead say a polite, “Shut up” and turn His voice off?
Our gentle Lord will not force us. But neither will our gentle Lord leave us. He will watch over us and even grieve over us as we wander. He is quick to act when our confused, meandering souls cry out for help and He gently maneuvers us through the mess we've created and gets us back on the route.
He has done this for me many, many times and He who is faithful will do this for you who belong to Him.
“You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.” (1 Cor. 6:19-20). That price was the blood of His Son. I'm not sure about you, but those words give me great comfort. I am His! He owns me! He has incredible plans for me! His route and His intended destination for me are beyond wonderful; I can't even begin to comprehend how amazing this journey is going to be. He will not let His own possession flounder for long on the wrong path.
Are you perhaps there? Off-track and not sure why? Cry to the One who always listens and always cares. Trust Him to guide you back step-by-step.