Vertigo! I hate it! In fact, I'm experiencing it right now and have been for the last 5 days. Thankfully, this time it's not severe. When it's severe I cannot walk across a room without vomiting. But mild vertigo is still very annoying and almost incapacitating.
What is vertigo? Basically, it is your inner ear lying to your brain. It is a sensation that things in the room are spinning or tilting when in fact they're stable. It can cause slight to extreme nausea and for some, it causes great fatigue.
Is there possibly such a thing as spiritual vertigo? Where something is lying to your brain about what is actually true? Where you see things differently than what they actually are? When the world seems to be spinning and tilting when actually it's stable?
God has made things stable for us. To know the truth that keeps us stable we have to know God's Word. We live in a world where we are surrounded by lies. Lies from the political right, lies from the left. Lies from commercials trying to sell you something with a promise that will make your life better in some way. We have the very difficult job of trying to sort out truth from fiction in our world.
The primary source of lies is Satan, himself, and his Kingdom. The Bible calls him the father of all lies and the author of confusion. He is the great deceiver. He desperately wants you to believe his lies and to keep you from believing the truth about God your creator; the lover of your soul.
Satan will lie to you about yourself, about your friends, about your marriage, about your family, about your church, about your country, and about your world. If he has his way he will keep you constantly in a state of vertigo where everything is continually askew. Where you are allowing him to feed your brain, your spirit, and your emotions a steady diet of lies. You, in turn, react to those lies and are unable to see the world that God created for you. The eternal world of His Kingdom. One that is stable, where you can experience the calm and peace that come from your Creator.
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. Until we recognize Jesus as the truth of God's way, our lives will always be off kilter, tilted, twirling, and not stable. The constant adjusting to those lies, to the tilting, twirling, unstable view we have of things, will cause sickness and fatigue in our spirits.
Immersing ourselves in the truth of God's Word will give us stability. It will be the authority that continually exposes the lies. And by responding to God and His Word, our lives will be filled with peace and calm, no longer constantly reacting to the lies being fed to us on a daily basis.
Here are some basic Biblical truths that will help give you stability:
God has created everything and He is still in control.
God is omnipresent (He’s everywhere), omnipotent (He has unlimited power) and He’s omniscient (He has unlimited knowledge).
God created you and He loves you!
God has provided a way for you to be forgiven and to come into a relationship with Him. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
God loves you and cares for you beyond anything you can imagine.
God works all things out for your ultimate good, once you’ve said “yes” to His provision for you in Jesus. This involves admitting you’re a sinner in need of a Savior, acknowledging Jesus as your Savior and surrendering to Him as Lord.