
Good-bye Anxiety

Good-bye Anxiety

Guest Blog by Sarah MacKinney

Anxiety is a thief that comes to steal our joy. And yet, it’s often something that many of us struggle with, including myself; no matter how “spiritual” or successful you are, it’s not a respecter of persons. I think there is something freeing though, in admitting our struggles. It gives people a chance to pray for you as well as let them know they aren’t alone in their struggle too.

Tomorrow I leave for an amazing trip to California, one I have been looking forward to for months. And yet, there is that lurking anxiety creeping up. The “what if’s”, the unrealistic whisper that nobody can protect my kids while I’m gone like I can, the FOMO that comes with things I’ll miss when I’m gone, the not liking to be away from my husband, etc, etc. So how do I combat this anxiety? These fears that are begging to steal me of my joy?

Nothing but the word of God. No medicine, no amount of counseling; even though those can be good things, can compete with the promises of God. His Word is alive and active! Yesterday a friend gave me this temporary tattoo to wear as a reminder to be strong and courageous. That any time on my trip I feel fearful or anxious, I can look down at my wrist and be reminded of this beautiful truth. It is the first letters of Joshua 1:9. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. For the Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go.” Thankful for this amazing promise and incredibly thankful for great friends who know you so deeply, they offer you encouragement because of their deep love for you.

So anxiety and fear and “what if’s” can’t have this trip! Way too much fun and joy to be had and memories to be made! Here’s to being strong and courageous! 🏻🏻

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