
The Little Things - Guest Blog by Brianna Peterson

The Little Things - Guest Blog by Brianna Peterson

'Tis the little things, isn’t it?

I recently re-started my 1,000 gifts list (if you haven’t read Ann Voskamp’s book, “1,000 Gifts”, you’re missing out!). I’m relearning how to look for gifts throughout the day, and something I'm relearning is this: Even in the midst of pain and frustration, there is beauty. Maybe it’s having a full tank of gas. Or a big sale on books. Or a hug.

Or a cute Christmas coffee cup from Caribou.

I made the barista laugh when she gave me my coffee, because I was so excited about how adorable it was.

Little things.

This year has been filled with big bad things, and sometimes, I have a hard time being thankful. It seems like so many BIG things have gone wrong and blown up and been destroyed.

So then what’s left?

Little things. And I’ve found that when I look for the small gifts, then the good BIG things become more visible, dwarfing the bad things.

Having a home. A bed with blankets. A loving family.

Having JESUS. I’ll be honest; I forget about him sometimes, because the world will darken Him if I let it. But when I actively look for His gifts to me, it is impossible for me to NOT see Him and rejoice in Him and trust Him.

What has He done for me today? That’s the question to ask. All day, every day. We are to rejoice. Always. Even when there seems to be nothing of importance to thank him for … there’s always something.

Praise him for the lip balm. Praise him for chipping nail polish off. Praise him for a clean phone screen. And that he created the smell of lemon.

Hallelujah for his MANY (way more than a 1,000) gifts.

Brianna Peterson is an aspiring novelist who loves Jesus, coffee with lots of cream, and creating stories. When she’s not writing, she’s spending time with her family or reading (and probably buying) the latest historical novel.

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